A History of Fort Worth Schools

Acknowledgments Mike Moncrief, Mayor Fort Worth Independent School District Board of Education City Council Lynne Manny, President Wendy Davis Rose Herrera Becky Haskin Elaine Klos Jim Lane Jesse Martinez Ralph McCloud Jean McClung Frank Moss Christene Moss Clyde Picht Judy Needham Chuck Silcox Juan Rangel John Stevenson T. A. Sims Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission Joel Burns, Chair Sally … Read more

Amon G. Carter’s Travel Air 5000 Aircraft

Amon G. Carter’s Travel Air 5000 Aircraft, 400 W. 7th Street Amon G. Carter was the leading figure in Fort Worth’s aviation history and tirelessly promoted the city as a major hub for early commercial air mail and airline operations as well as aviation manufacturing in Texas. This Travel Air 5000 aircraft was the first … Read more

Ryan-Smith Home

Ryan-Smith Home, 1302 Elizabeth Boulevard One of the largest homes on Elizabeth Boulevard, this 1914 home was built for John C. Ryan, Sr., the developer of Ryan Place. The Italian Renaissance home was sold to Bert K. Smith, co-owner of the Smith Brothers Grain Company, in 1917 and remained in the Smith family until 1965. … Read more

Fuller House

Fuller House, 4167 Charron Lane This geometric masterpiece is the design of internationally-acclaimed Los Angeles architect A. Quincy Jones, with original décor by another L.A. luminary, William Haines, who started his career as a Hollywood actor. This is one of just two Fort Worth homes built by the architect, who was most famous for his … Read more

Cobb House

Cobb House, 1615 Sunset Terrace Built by Mrs. L. D. Cobb shortly after the dedication of Sunset Avenue in 1905, the house at 1615 Sunset Terrace, as the street was renamed about 1924, is one of 7 single-family homes remaining in the small residential enclave on the western edge of downtown. The house was acquired … Read more

Historic Star-Telegram Building

Historic Star-Telegram Building, 400 W. 7th Street To serve as the new home of his Star Telegram newspaper, Amon Carter considered the 1921 completion of his four-story building at 400 West 7th Street in downtown Fort Worth a fulfilled dream. Over the years, the building was “modernized,” and while the shape of the building remained … Read more

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