Burke House – 6th

This house was moved from 1501 Pruitt Street to this site in 2000. It is a one and one-half story gabled wood-framed house veneered in brick on the ground floor and shingled above. When the house was moved to this location, it was revealed that the house originally was sheathed with clapboard siding but the brick was reapplied at the site. The house is compactly massed with cross-gabled porch and hipped porte-cochere. Detailing is precise and understated. Robert Underwood, a talented carpenter and cabinet-maker, was the builder (see 615 Travis Avenue). The earliest recorded owner was Harry Burke, owner of a wholesale outlet for kitchen, restaurant and market hardware. The Burke family resided here through World War II. Even as a moved structure, the house is considered a contributing resource to the Fairmount-Southside Historic District. The lower photo was taken in 2006 at its new location.

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