Clinic – 8th

In 1952, Dr. E. Samuel Cunningham had a clinic constructed at 921 8th Avenue, continuing the trend of replacing residential structures with medical-related facilities around the hospital district. City directories indicate that he initially had a solo medical practice at this location. In 1954, he purchased the adjacent lot to the north. By 1958 he had enlarged the building and was sharing space with another physician and a dentist. The one-story building is wood-framed with an orange brick veneer. A striking feature is the tile mosaic on the façade of the c. 1958 addition. White tile is used as the background for geometric shapes of green, yellow, orange and beige. With further documentation and upon the attainment of 50 years of age for the complete structure, it may be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places as a unique example of a mid-20th century medical clinic.

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