John B. Collier, Jr. purchased this Westover Hills property in 1932; his family residence was evidently erected shortly thereafter. Collier was president and manager of Fort Worth Poultry & Egg Co., founded in 1921. The firm, at the time among the largest institutions of its kind in the Southwest, processed eggs and buttermilk in dry form for commercial uses. Mr. Collier was one of the first three commissioners of the town of Westover Hills when it incorporated in 1937; he established Collier Diamond C Oils in 1949. The two-story, Spanish Colonial Revival style house is constructed of hollow tile faced in stucco; the hip roofs are clad in red Spanish tile. Of an irregular plan, the house is distinguished by arched windows and portico entry and a two-story, round stairwell tower with conical roof. The dwelling appears to be in excellent condition.