O’Keefe-Long Commercial Building/ Leddy Boots and Saddles – Main

C. A. O’Keefe and A. J. Long erected this commercial structure in 1910 on the northwest corner of N. Main Street and W. Exchange Avenue. It is almost identical to their earlier two-story brick building directly across W. Exchange Avenue (see NN-9 1). It remained in the O’Keefe estate until 1943. Early occupants included the Exchange Hotel (1911- 13) on the second floor and Louis Lehman’s clothing store (1911-20) at the street level. Other hotels and dry goods stores followed, including Leddy Boots and Saddles. The Leddy family acquired the building in 1943. The south facade is six bays long and topped by a stepped parapet; on the east elevation, two bays were joined to the original four in an early addition. A substantial, pressed metal cornice surrounds the corner elevations, and finely laid brick keystone lintels top the paired, double-hung second-story windows. Two neon signs, one in the shape of a cowboy boot, advertise the goods offered within. A “Western” storefront and canopy of rough wood siding were added in 1958. The property is in the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District.

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