Ropke-Bates-Rimmer House – Jennings

This one and one-half story wood-framed house, with a rectangular plan and gabled roof, is clad in clapboard below and shingled above. Built c. 1908, the house appears to be the work of a talented builder, with a full porch grafted onto the front gable slope, surmounted by a gabled dormer balcony. A small semi-circular bay projects from the north wall. The house probably was built as a speculative property, for it appears in the 1909-10 city directories as “vacant.” Fred Ropke lived here from about 1910 to 1919, followed by the Bates family in the 1920s and 1930s, and the Rimmer family through the 1970s. The house may be eligible for the National Register with more precise documentation. The Ropke-Bates-Rimmer House has been demolished.

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