Trammell House – Rockridge

The Trammell House is a superbly sited and crafted stone residence on a sloping site above Forest Park and the Trinity River. Constructed of roughly squared and uncoursed shellstone, in plan it is a staggered cross with cross-gabled wings of differing heights. Massive chimneys are set in the end walls. A porte-cochere crosses a drive leading to a stone garage at the rear. Terraced gardens extend to the rear and north. The house was built in 1928 for J. Davis Trammell, a nationally known hydraulic engineer, who was chiefly responsible for the location of Lake Worth and the design of the dam in 1911. He designed the water supply systems of Abilene, Texas, and Tulsa, Oklahoma. A native of Alabama, Trammell surveyed and supervised the construction of numerous railroad lines between 1883 and 1906 and devoted the remainder of his career to hydraulic projects. The house may have been designed by Trammell. It is eligible for the National Register as an exceptional work of stone construction and as the residence of an individual important in the development of Fort Worth. The Trammell House was designated Demolition Delay in 1995.

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