This prominently sited house was built about 1935; Guy L. Waggoner, president of Waggoner-Daniel & Co. and W. T. Waggoner & Sons was the first resident, although he evidently lived here only a short time. William T. Waggoner, Jr., and wife Elise resided in the house until 1942, when oil operator E Kirk Johnson purchased the house. Johnson, president of Ambassador Oil Corporation and Leck Royalty & Oil Company, resided here with his wife Elizabeth M. Johnson until 1971. The two-story, Colonial Revival style dwelling, of brick construction pointed white, has a staggered rectangular plan under a low-pitched gable roof. A full, shed-roofed porch extends across the front, supported by slender boxed posts. The symmetrical composition features a fanlit central entry flanked by double-hung, small paned windows.