Auto Home Garage and Midland Manufacturing Co. – Jennings

1101-1113 Jennings Avenue, Auto Home Garage and Midland Manufacturing Co., 1931.  The front façade of this building was reconstructed in 1931 after the portion of Jennings Ave. on which it was fronted was widened.  At that time the building was occupied by the Auto Home Garage and the Midland Manufacturing Co., which made pumping machinery and bronze casting.  A succession of auto repair shops and parts stores occupied the northern end of the building from the 1930s through the 1960s.  John R. Dial & Co., an office furnishing firm, was located in the southern two-story section between 1955 and 1978.  The building consisted of two sections, a seven-bay one-story segment to the north and a three-bay two-story commercial block to the south.  The polychromed brick patterning and projecting piers were typical of the building Art Deco or Moderne style.  This building has been demolished, but it retained in the survey for purposes of documentation.

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