Bryce Building – Throckmorton

157 909 Throckmorton Street [NR/RTHL], Bryce Building, 1910; 1983. The Bryce Building was constructed in 1910 to house the operations of William J. Bryce, a brick manufacturer who was also involved in a variety of Fort Worth business and civic activities, including service as mayor from 1927 to 1935. Bryce purchased the lot on which this building stands in 1909, after a portion had been deeded to the City of Fort Worth for right-of-way purposes. It is likely that one of Bryce’s own firms, the Bryce Building Co., erected the diminutive two-story brick structure. Its unusual five-sided shape is undoubtedly due to the shape of the lot that remained after the City’s right-of-way transaction. Bryce maintained office in the building until his death in 1944. A number of tenants, including architect Milton M. Moseley, insurance agents, accountants, and restaurants occupied the building during the following decades. In 1982 the building burned, and the Hamburg House restaurant, which had operated here in recent years, closed. The property was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ambrose in 1983, narrowly averting the wrecker’s ball, and sensitively rehabilitated for office use by Cauble Hoskins Architects. With the demolition of the neighboring Fort Worth Public Library (CBD 158) in September, 1990, the tiny building, which had been tucked away behind the library, became much more visible. The structure was sold in 1991, and is presently used for law offices. The Bryce Building was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1983 and listed on the National Register in 1984.

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