Burns House – Byers

Commanding a dramatic hilltop site near the south entrance to Westover Hills, this large house is clad in warm red brick veneer with picturesque highlights of polychrome sandstone. The staggered L-plan features steeply pitched, two-story cross gables roofed in flat red ceramic tiles. The lots on which this house was built straddle the boundary line between Westover Hills and the City of Fort Worth, but tax records indicate that the house is in Fort Worth. It was constructed by Byrne & Luther, Inc. a firm responsible for many other residences in Westover Hills. The architect of this structure is unknown. John C. and Mattie Bums purchased the residence in 1933; he was secretary- manager of Texas Livestock Marketing Association in that year. The property remained in the Burns family until 1968. Pending documentation of the architect and further research on the owner, the house may qualify for the National Register.

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