Calvary Baptist Church – Hattie

Calvary Baptist Church (formerly Glenwood Baptist) began in 1892 as a Mission of Broadway Baptist Church and was organized formally in August, 1895. A wood-framed sanctuary was erected that year on the 1600 block of E. Hattie St. After several moves to new locations which proved unsatisfactory, the existing site was purchased c. 1912, and a new frame sanctuary erected. This was replaced by the present brick structure in 1929. Designed by architect H. D. Withers and constructed by C. M. Reed, the high-basement building has a gabled nave flanked by flat-roofed side wings. It is clad in warm red brick with white cast stone trim. The narthex wing is charmingly composed of a tripartite entry surmounted by an engaged Corinthian colonnade framing segmental and Roman arched windows. The building is similar, but superior, to another Southside church by Withers (see 1201 E. Allen Avenue). Sold by the congregation in 1976 to Birds Baptist Tabernacle, the building, though poorly maintained, appears unaltered. It is potentially eligible for the National Register. Since originally documented, the towers flanking the entrance have been capped with gabled roofs and security bars cover many windows. The blade sign has been removed from the façade. The building may still be eligible for the National Register. Beautiful Feet Ministries, a congregation that serves the needs of the homeless, now occupies the building. The lower photo was taken in 2007.

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