Cobb-Burney House – Sunset

148 1598 Sunset Terrace [RTHL/NR], Cobb-Burney House, 1904; 1956. A striking Prairie Style residence that is well integrated with its hillside site, this house was built in 1904 for Emma and Lyman D. Cobb. Cobb was the president of the W.C. Belcher Land Mortgage Co. Mrs. Cobb lived here following her husband’s death, but sold the house in 1919 to Judge Ivy H. Burney. An attorney who did a great deal of work for cattlemen, Burney was also the attorney for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and had served as a special district judge. He was also active in local business and civic affairs, serving as Fort Worth’s city park commissioner and as president of River Crest Country Club. Judge Burney lived here until his death in 1940, and his widow, Belle Burney, occupied the house through the mid-1950s. She deeded her interest in the house to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in segments between 1954 and 1956, when it was sold to architect Milton M. Moseley and his wife Johnie. The Moseleys restored the house, which had been condemned, and lived here for a number of years. In 1967, the Moseleys sold the property, and ownership was then transferred to the All Church Home, which operated its facility next door. In 1982, the house became the residence for the director of the All Church Home. Drawing its influence from the work of Frank Lloyd Wright and the group of Chicago architects known as the Prairie School, this two-story yellow brick house has the major hallmarks of Prairie Style design. Its horizontal lines are emphasized by the overhanging roofs and low massing of the building, and the flat-roofed porch and porte-cochere add to this feeling. The house was designated as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark in 1985 and is potentially eligible for the National Register.

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