Commercial Building – Pennsylvania

This one-story commercial building, of brick and hollow tile construction, has a veneer of cast stone. The curving façade takes splendid advantage of a prominent corner location at the intersection of two thoroughfares. The cast stone frieze and parapet are particularly fine. The frieze incorporates both a Gothic Revival triforium and an Art Deco zigzag band. The parapet has an unusual undulating silhouette. An original metal canopy wraps around the building over the storefronts. The large parking apron is paved in brick. The building was constructed c. 1929 and originally housed a Renfro Drug Store along with two other businesses. The property was purchased in 1982 by Harris Hospital now in the midst of a major expansion. The building’s future is uncertain. It is eligible for the National Register as an excellent local example of early automobile-oriented commercial architecture. The building has been renovated and houses medical-related businesses. It received the Demolition Delay Designation in 1995.

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