Garvey/Viehl/Kelley House – Samuels

This impressive Queen Anne house was built for Lulu Foster Garvey and her husband William B. Garvey. Mrs. Garvey was the daughter of Isaac Foster and the granddaughter of Baldwin L. Samuel. Mary and Isaac Foster deeded the land on which this house stands to the Garveys in 1883. Mr. Garvey was a grocer who later became involved in real estate. Both he and his wife died in 1915, and the property was bequeathed to Soutwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Buckner Orphans Home. R.C. Viehl purchased the home from the Seminary in 1918 and lived here until his death in 1938. The two garage apartments behind the residence were built during this period. Mrs. Viehl continued to live here following her husband’s death in 1958. A succession of owners followed over the next fourteen years until the house was purchased in 1972 by Brenda and Gordon Kelley. The house remains in the Kelley family. Two and one-half stories in height, this wood frame house has a limestone foundation and porch piers. A bell domed tower rises on the southeast corner of the house, and a stair tower with stained glass windows is located on tje north side. The house is individually eligiblefor the National Register Historic District. It is part of the 1991 Multiple Property nomination.

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