George Jackson House – Weatherford

168 1209 E. Weatherford Street [NR], George Jackson House, c. 1876 or c. 1885. This fascinating house appears to have been added to continually over the years, and the oldest sections may date from the late 1870s or mid1880s. The house was built for George Jackson, a Confederate veteran who later worked as a druggist. He is listed at this address in city directories from 1877 until his death in 1908, except for 1885 when Jackson is not listed at all. This may be a mistake on the part of the directory compilers, or it may indicate that a house was burned or demolished and then rebuilt. His widow, Eva Belle Jackson, owned the house until 1919. A delicate sense of detailing prevails, most notably in the droplet-style porch posts with spidery brackets and spindle frieze. The round stained glass window on the east wall has stylistic references to the Art Nouveau. The house appears to be eligible for the National Register for its architectural qualities.

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