George T. Reynolds House – 404 El Paso Street

404 El Paso Street, [NR*/BSHD], George T. Reynolds House, c. 1900-01; 1922.  The George L Reynolds house and its adjacent carriage house (CBD 44) are part of a grand residential neighborhood established along the bluff overlooking the Trinity River on either side of Summit Ave. during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Reynolds, a pioneer cattleman, was president of the Reynolds Cattle Co.  He built this house about 1900-01, just before the Reynolds Cattle Co. moved its headquarters to Fort Worth from Albany, Texas.  The firm was incorporated in 1884 by George T. Reynolds and his brother William D. Reynolds (see CBD 149).  The two men had built up their operation beginning with cattle drives after the Civil War and eventually expanding to extensive breeding and ranching operations in West Texas.  Reynolds Cattle Co. is still in business and maintains its headquarters in Fort Worth.  The house remained in the Reynolds family until 1935, when it was sold to the State Medical Association of Texas and used for offices.  The Tarrant County Chapter of the American Red Cross officed here during the 1950s, and since the 1960s it has been used by International Service Insurance Co.

The two-story red brick residence is rectangular in plan with projecting bays and a full porch.  The house has undergone several alterations, including a 1922 addition to the rear designed by architects Sanguinet and Staats.  The top portion of the roof dormer and the porch balustrade have also been removed.  In 1991 the house was vacant, in poor condition, and for sale.  With restoration, it could be individually eligible for the National Register for its architectural qualities and historic significance.  The house is also a contributor to the potential Ballinger Street Historic District.

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