Hunt-Hawes Grocer Co. – 508 E. Seventh Street (previously listed at 801 Grove Street)

508 E. Seventh Street (previously listed at 801 Grove Street) [NR/WSHD(NR)], Hunt-Hawes Grocer Co., 1910; 1912.  Built in 1910 to house the operations of Hunt-Hawes Grocer Co., a wholesale grocery firm, this building was extensively rebuilt following a 1912 fire.  The building actually fronts on W. Seventh St., and during the time it was used by the grocery company, that street address was used.  After 1913, the Seventh St. listing disappears from city directories and does not reappear until the later 1980s when Alarm Supply, Inc. occupied the structure.  Although it cannot be proven conclusively, it appears that this building and the adjacent Montgomery Ward & Co./Fakes & Co. warehouse building (CBD 70) were operated as one facility during the intervening decades.  The five-story brick warehouse, located on the eastern edge of the central business district next to the railroad racks, is a five-sided structure.  One corner is clipped at an angle where the railroad track passes the building.  The E. Seventh St. facade is divided into five equal bays by brick pilasters.  A horizontal band of brick corbelling joins the pilasters at T-shaped capitals.  The Hunt-Hawes Grocer Co. building is potentially eligible for the National Register for its architectural design and as a good example of the buildings that supported Fort Worth’s development as a shipping and storage center during the early years of the twentieth century.  It is also a contributor to the potential Warehouse South National Register Historic District.

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