406-408 Houston Street, J.C. Penney Co./ Fakes and Co., 1929; 1937;1989. Rebuilt after a major fire destroyed the old J.C. Penney store in January 1929, this three-story red brick building housed Penney’s downtown location from 1929 until 1946. Fakes and Co., a furniture store, occupied the building when Penneys left and remained here until 1967. The architect and contractor for this building have not been identified, although and October 16, 1929 Fort Worth Record-Telegram section celebrating the opening of the new store contains a congratulatory advertisement from Butcher & Sweeney contractors. Firms associated with a construction project often bought ads in these sections and, although Butcher & Sweeney’s ad does not indicate that they were associated with the projects, theirs is the only advertisement from a general contractor. J.C. Penney undertook interior renovations and modernized the building’s storefront in 1937. In 1989 architect Martin Growald again redesigned the storefront for new commercial tenants. This building has broad groupings of windows on the upper two floors and a terra cotta cornice molding below the slightly raised parapet wall. The building functions well as a transitional between the older buildings of Sundance Square and the more recent commercial structures extending south on Houston St.