King-Terry House – 901 Bennett Street

901 Bennett Street [SAHD(NR)], King-Terry House, c. 1886.  Richard H. King, the first civilian blacksmith in Fort Worth, reportedly built this house on Bennett St., one block west of Samuels Ave., in 1886 to escape the noise of streetcars running along Samuels.  His previous home (no longer extant) was where the house at 915 Samuels Ave.  (CBD 141) now stands.  In 1910, the property was purchased by Elizabeth and James L. Terry. Mr. Terry worked, for a time, at Nash Hardware (CBD 36).  The L-plan wood frame house has a shed-roofed porch with turned posts and heavy scroll-sawn brackets supporting the window on the front gabled bay.  Set on a bluff overlooking the Trinity River, this house is a contributor to the proposed Samuels Avenue National Register Historic District, and is part of the 1991 Multiple Property nomination.

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