Mt. Zion Baptist Church – Evans

Mt. Zion Baptist Church is a large, generally rectangular building clad in red brick with white cast stone trim, on a corner location. Pedimented porticos with giant order Ionic columns project from each of the two principal façades. A flattened dome surmounts the flat roof. Erected between 1919 and 1921, the building replaced a tabernacle built on the newly acquired site in 1915. A one-story education wing was added to the rear in 1960. Mt. Zion Baptist Church was organized on Dec. 15, 1894, with five charter members, under the guidance of State Evangelist, Frank Tribune. The congregation’s first sanctuary — a wood-framed structure — was erected at the corner of Rosedale and Louisiana in 1907. The church has played an integral role in Fort Worth’s black community. The existing sanctuary may be eligible for the National Register following documentation of its integrity and architect. The stained glass windows have been replaced with dark-tinted glass which has likely rendered the building ineligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The building was designated as a Historic and Cultural Landmark in 2002. The lower photograph was taken in 2006.

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