This three-story industrial building is rectangular in plan with a flat roof. It is constructed of reinforced concrete, hollow tile and brick. Regularly spaced brick piers flank bays glazed with steel-sash windows. The floor levels are demarcated by concrete spandrel panels. Most windows on the first and second stories have been enclosed, and the building has been painted yellow. Built in 1924 as a manufacturing plant and warehouse for the Parker-Browne Co., producers of carbonic acid gas (carbon dioxide) for carbonated beverages; used as a warehouse by the Bekins Co. after World War II; since 1964, a warehouse for a musical instrument company. With restoration, the structure could be eligible for the National Register as a representative industrial building of its period. The Parker-Browne Co. Factory-Warehouse was designated Highly Significant Endangered in 2005. Current plans are to rehab the building into loft apartments.