Peter C. Grunewald House – Samuels

144 1106 Samuels Avenue [SAHD(NR)], Peter C. Grunewald House, 1909. This one-story Colonial Revival bungalow was constructed in 1909 by Peter C. Grunewald, owner of the Pavilion, a recreational facility, meeting hall, and saloon located on the east side of Samuels Avenue north of Pavilion Street. Grunewald had purchased the facility in 1892, but closed it in 1905 because of a decline in business. In 1909 he dismantled the Pavilion and used the lumber to construct this residence for himself and six other smaller rental houses on Pavilion Street. The house, which has recently been restored, is a contributor to the proposed Samuels Avenue National Register Historic District, and is part of the 1991 Multiple Property nomination.

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