First listed in the 1911 directory, this structure housed a feed warehouse, dry goods store, and a Wells Fargo Express Co. branch. Other tenants through the years included shoemakers, doctors, a disinfectant company, a saloon and a rooming house. Stockyards Lodge No. 1244 was chartered December 8, 1927; their first Masonic hail was located in this structure. The facade may have been rebuilt at that time to incorporate three cast-stone medallions of the Masonic symbol below the parapet. The Masons moved to a new location at 124 W. Exchange Street (Edelbrock Commercial Building/ Stock Yards Lodge No. 1244) in 1935. A garage and a grocery occupied the street floor during the Masons’ tenancy; after 1935 the New Worth Hotel located in the upper level. The structure housed a cab company during the 1940s, and served as a meeting place for United Packing House Workers of America, Nos. 54 and 175, C.I.O. and Live Stock Handlers Local, No. 59, U.P.W.A.-C.I.O. The garage entries on the first floor have been enclosed. The structure lies within the bounds of the Fort Worth Stockyards Historic District.