E. M. Daggett Junior High School – Carlock

1108 Carlock Street, E. M. Daggett Junior High School/E. M. Daggett Middle School, 1955, 1990, c. 2003. E. M. Daggett Junior High opened in the Fairmount neighborhood in September 1955. Designed by Joseph R. Pelich and constructed by B. B. Adams, the mostly two-story school had 22 classrooms for 700 pupils. The International-influenced-design has a … Read more

Marseline K. Moore Advertising Service Co. – Cleburne

Marseline K. Moore, former manager of the Hollywood and Worth theaters in downtown Fort Worth, built on his showmanship skills when he started his outdoor advertising business. In 1949, he had this one-story building of “Texcrete” tile constructed. It has an International influence with its flat roof with overhang and large metal multiple-light windows, several … Read more

3004-06 W 6th ST – 6th

This apartment duplex was built by contractor Ralph B auer in 1941 for owner Fred Irby Moore. A two-story combination of two garages on the first floor and dwelling spaces above, the duplex exhibits features of the Moderne and International styles. Flanking the central window on the second floor are two six-light windows of fixed … Read more

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