Dale Sellers/Phoenix 1 Restoration & Construction Ltd. – Preservation Project Award

Dale Sellers/Phoenix 1 Restoration & Construction Ltd. for the restoration of the Meissner Brown Funeral Home.

This Spanish-Electic-styled funeral home at 2717 Avenue B was designated a Fort Worth Landmark in 1991 and placed on HFW’s endangered list in 2015. Constructed around 1937 this iconic Poly building believed to be designed by Joseph R. Pelich, had fallen on hard times. By 2015 the building’s structural integrity was so severely comprised that the Landmarks Commission considered its demolition. HFW staff begged Landmarks for a one month demolition delay and sent out an e-blast about the building’s plight. The rest is history, as they say, because Dale Sellers showed up and was awarded the project.

HFW 2017 Cantey Lecture & Preservation Awards photographed Thursday, September 21, 2017 at The Fort Worth Community Arts Center. Joseph Murphey and Dale Sellers. Photography by Bruce E. Maxwell.

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