House – 702 E. First Street

702 E. First Street [EFHD], House, c.1906. This is a good example of a shotgun house, a common working-class style built in the south primarily from the 1880s through the 1930s, although examples from the 1940s and ’50s are found. This house has decorative shingles in the gable end and a recessed porch with a … Read more

Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons – 2213 E. First Street

2213 E. First Street, Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, 1924. This remarkable building was the largest African-American fraternal hall in the United States when it was built in 1924 from plans by African-American architect H.L. Spicer. The structure was, in plan, a Greek cross with the main meeting hall at the crossing. … Read more

Duplex Houses – 809-11, 813, 815, 901, 903, 905, 907 E. Second Street

809-11, 813, 815, 901, 903, 905, 907 E. Second Street [NR/ESHD(NR)], Duplex Houses, c. 1925. Located in a historically African-American neighborhood, this row of metal-roofed duplex houses provides a classic image of working class housing in 1920s Texas. The earliest tenants included janitors, maids, a waitress, a cook, and the proprietor of the nearby Knights … Read more

Knights of Pythias Hall – 900 E. Second Street

 900 E. Second Street [NR/ESHD(NR)/CFO(NR)], Knights ofPythias Hall, 1925.  Erected in 1925 by the Key West Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, this African American fraternal hall had commercial lease space on the first floor and an auditorium upstairs.  The hall closed about 1947, and the building was then occupied by other businesses including the Atlanta … Read more

Knights Of Pythias Club Building – 108 E. Third Street

108 E. Third Street [NR/CFO(NR)], Knights ofPythias Club Building, 1920; 1981-82. The Knights of Pythias Club Building, adjacent to the main Knights of Pythias Castle Hall (CBD 115), was erected in 1920 to provide expanded space for the fraternal organization’s operations. Designed by architect J.J. Pollard, the main floor was lease space, while the second … Read more

House – 908 E. Third Street

 908 E. Third Street [NRJESHD(NR)], House, c. 1898. Originally one of a pair of houses built from the same plan, this unusual residence was probably built by William P. Lewis, a partner in Lewis Brothers Hardware. Used as a rental property when it was first constructed, the residence has been part of an Mrican-American neighborhood … Read more

William Ford Restaurant / Ford Brothers Cafe – Third

 915-1/2 E. Third Street, William Ford Restaurant/Ford Brothers Cafe, c.1920; 1927. The first building on this lot, a residence at 915 E. Third, was built about 1915. Around 1920 this building, at 915-1/2 E. Third, was built and used for a time as a residence. In late 1926, brothers William and Frank Ford bought the … Read more

House – 1111 E. Third Street

1111 E. Third Street, House, c. 1906. This was a representative example of a common folk house type in Texas, the wood frame L-plan structure with a gabled roof. The porch was not original. This rental property was constructed about 1906, and city directory records show a rapid tenant turnover. The earliest resident was Warren … Read more

Land Title Block – 111 E. Fourth Street

111 E. Fourth Street [RTHL/NR], Land Title Block, 1889; 1983. The Land Title Block is perhaps the finest Victorian commercial building remaining in Fort Worth. An eclectic building with touches of the Romanesque Revival, it displays a rich use of materials including fine pressed red brick walls, red sandstone trim, and original stained glass windows. … Read more

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